We met Nathan and his mom Kristine and walked in Nathan's MiMi's neighborhood. Little Bit slept the entire time! I really enjoyed my visit with Kristine. I remember thinking a year ago, I would not have children during the same time as she and I longed to raise our children together. Wow!! How God can completely change your life!!! In so many ways!!!
I neglected to get a picture of Nathan. It just means we will have to do it again soon!
We finished off our Thursday evening with Book Club! Again, no pictures!
On Friday, we met our personal seamstress, Little Bit's Nawna, to make a quick trip to Hancocks to get some material for another new dress Nawna is making. It is great to have her close by to make dresses. I'm hoping she doesn't begin charging labor! We also have a pattern for Gran D to work on.
Then on Friday night, we met Pop and Gran D in Purcell at Rodney's Pizza Place! YUM!!! Little Bit did so great. She was so well behaved and she was awake the entire time!
Pop gave Little Bit her first fishing pole!
It snowed in our area on Saturday and some on Sunday so Little Bit and I stayed in from church. Then Bryan took time on Sunday evening to study for his P.E. exam he takes in April. Little Bit tried to lend a hand!
Someone in this house is quickly getting spoiled!
(note: Bryan normally doesn't dress like this!! :) He kept his shirt from church on and had on comfy pants. We all lounged around)