Monday, March 22, 2010

I Go Out A Walkin'

We had our first walk in the stroller on Thursday!!
The weather has been in the high 50s to low 60s, but the forecast is predicted to get colder and wetter over the weekend. Blah!!! We wanted to get in some sunshine while we could. Thursday was a perfect day.

We met Nathan and his mom Kristine and walked in Nathan's MiMi's neighborhood. Little Bit slept the entire time! I really enjoyed my visit with Kristine. I remember thinking a year ago, I would not have children during the same time as she and I longed to raise our children together. Wow!! How God can completely change your life!!! In so many ways!!!

I neglected to get a picture of Nathan. It just means we will have to do it again soon!

We finished off our Thursday evening with Book Club! Again, no pictures!

On Friday, we met our personal seamstress, Little Bit's Nawna, to make a quick trip to Hancocks to get some material for another new dress Nawna is making. It is great to have her close by to make dresses. I'm hoping she doesn't begin charging labor! We also have a pattern for Gran D to work on.

Then on Friday night, we met Pop and Gran D in Purcell at Rodney's Pizza Place! YUM!!! Little Bit did so great. She was so well behaved and she was awake the entire time!

Pop gave Little Bit her first fishing pole!

It snowed in our area on Saturday and some on Sunday so Little Bit and I stayed in from church. Then Bryan took time on Sunday evening to study for his P.E. exam he takes in April. Little Bit tried to lend a hand!

Someone in this house is quickly getting spoiled!

(note: Bryan normally doesn't dress like this!! :) He kept his shirt from church on and had on comfy pants. We all lounged around)

Thursday, March 18, 2010

4 Months Old!!

Another month has come and gone and Little Bit is another month older! I just told Bryan she is nearly half a year old! This time is moving so quickly. She seems to change every day!

At 4 months:

She sleeps sideways in her bed no matter how we lay her.

She loves any toy that hangs from her play mat.
She loves bright lights and goes into a deep stare.
She is cooing some.
She loves to kick her legs. It looks like she is running or riding a bike all while laying on her back!
She loves to ride in the car. Getting in the car seat/carrier isn't so great but once she is moving, she's good-to-go!
She has stayed in the church nursery on 2 Wednesday nights. We haven't left her on Sunday mornings yet.
She smiled one time (it was a non-poop/gas smile:-) when I was make silly laughing noises.
She has beautiful big bright eyes.
She is staying a wake more during the day and loves to play.
On the night before her 4 month birthday she went to bed at 10:30, woke at 2 a.m. to eat, and then slept the rest of the time!!!

Little Bit is beginning to coo and make some adorable noises! I tried to catch some of it on video.

I think she may have had some performance anxiety! You'll just have to bare with me and put up with my high pitched, squeaky voice! It's incredibly embarrassing to hear and I can't believe I'm posting it. But it is for the benefit of Little Bit's family who live out of town. And, I put socks on her everyday. She just keeps kicking them off!

We don't do much to celebrate St. Patrick's day at our house but we had some errands to run before church so we dressed in green. I didn't want Little Bit to get pinched by any of little ones she may have encountered!

Little Bit & I on St. Patrick's Day 2010

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

The Greats

On Saturday, March 6th, we were finally able to make our first trip with Little Bit down to Ada to visit and meet her Great Grandmas...Our Granny and MeMaw!!! Neither one of them had met Little Bit in person. They had only saw her through pictures. Unfortunately, her Great Grandpas are not with us. But we have a lot of stories we can share and pictures! They were great men!

It was so great to see my Granny!

She has been very sick with shingles and then she fell and broke her hip. It is amazing how God can change your hearts! During a tense and uncertain time...WHAM God gave us Gracie!! I had not seen Granny since the day Bryan and I left her hospital room to go meet Little Bit for the first time on January 8th! Granny is recovering and slowly resuming some of her activities she did before she got sick this past fall.

Bryan's MeMaw had a stroke a few years ago. She still lives in her own home, but her daughter-in-law stays with her. We are glad to have MeMaw. She really loved Gracie!

Bryan's dad..Now known as "Pop", MeMaw, Little Bit, and Bryan---4 Generations

When Bryan was a child he stayed with a wonderful lady named Roberta. She is like a Grandma and mother all in one!! She is very special to us and loves Bryan so much. She was also able to come by Bryan's parents house.

It warms our hearts to see our grandparents love our little girl so much!! Some were hesitant for us to go the foster adoption route, but I think it is safe to say they are very happy now!

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

A Few Firsts

Little Bit has had a few first in February that need to be documented!

1st Valentines Day

On Friday before Valentine's we visited Dad at his office and met his co-workers. We took Bryan a cupcake from Sara Sara in OKC. Throughout the week I had worked on moving some photos of Little Bit over onto a digital frame to have at his office and we took that to him as well. He tells me now he looks at it but on some days doesn't turn it on because it makes him miss Little Bit during the day.

This ape came from her Pop...even after he received several warnings from me not to give us so many plush Valentine toys! Her Pop is totally smitten! You can definitely tell he has waited a long time for this little one and loves her tremendously!! So do her Gran D, Nawna, & Poppa!

1st Time to Church

This is the outfit she wore her first time to church. I love the expression on her face!

It is so wonderful to be back at church as a family of 3! I am still learning the balance of feeding, attending Sunday School, and making it through a worship service without getting up.
Thank goodness for a timer on the camera and Bryan's tripod stand he usually takes to the gun range! We wouldn't have had a family picture of our 1st Time to Church without it!

1st Pair of Shoes

Bryan is not a big fan of her shoes. He keeps calling him her clown shoes! They are a little big, but I'm having a hard time finding shoes that go with several outfits that actually fit her. Although she is growing and gaining weight, her little feet still seem small!

She celebrated her 3 month birthday in February!! It is amazing how quickly time truly does fly. It is happening to fast!!